Expendable supplies include items such as:
Business cards
Safety glasses
Steel-toed shoes
Enrollees who have extensive public contact may order up to 500 business cards if the cost is less than $50.00.
Business cards cannot contain EPA or NOWCC logos.
The following information must appear on business cards:
Name of enrollee
"Assisting the Environmental Protection Agency under a Cooperative Agreement with NOWCC" must appear under the name of the enrollee
Office address (the words "Senior Environmental Employment Program must appear as part of the address)
Office phone and fax numbers
E-mail address
After purchase, the enrollee should submit a request for reimbursement to the NOWCC Accounts Payable Specialist (703) 558-4200, consisting of: Original receipts and Monitor approval. Click here to access an Enrollee Local Travel and Expendable Supplies Expense Statement.
For supplies costing $50 or more, the monitor or signatory must submit a written request for approval to the NOWCC Field Office.
Supplies costing less than $50 must be approved by a monitor or signatory prior to purchase.