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Chapter 2, Section 12

Guides » SEE Guidelines and Procedures Manual

Chapter 2, Section 12

Relationship with Other Federal Agencies

The "Environmental Programs Assistance Act of 1984" (EPAA), P.L. 98-313, permits the EPA to enter into Cooperative Agreements to utilize the talents of older Americans "in programs authorized by other provisions of law administered by the Administrator in providing technical assistance to Federal, State, and local environmental agencies for projects of pollution prevention, abatement, and control". The EPAA also provides that funding for such Cooperative Agreements with eligible nonprofit organizations may be made available from "such (EPA administered) programs."

Media statutes, such as FIFRA section 22 (b), TSCA section 26 (a), CWA 104 (a) (1) and 104 (b) (2), RCRA section 6003 (a), and CAA 102 (b) and 103 (b) (2) authorize the Administrator to administer programs of cooperation with other Federal agencies to support each other in fulfilling their respective objectives. Sections 105 (a) (4) and 115 of CERCLA as implemented by Executive Order 12580 also provide such authority. As these provisions authorize EPA to enter into interagency agreements (IAG's), transferring funds between agencies for projects of mutual interest, the EPA views them as "programs" within the meaning of the EPAA. Accordingly, SEE Enrollees may be used in these cooperative programs.

EPA may enter into agreements with environmental components of other federal agencies for technical assistance projects of mutual benefit. Specifically, these IAG's may include enrollee services, with enrollees performing work either at EPA or the other agency's facilities.

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