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Chapter 2, Section 6

Guides » SEE Guidelines and Procedures Manual

Chapter 2, Section 6

Relationship Between EPA Personnel and SEE Enrollees

SEE enrollees working under the SEE Program are not Federal, State or local government employees. SEE enrollees are "program participants of the cooperative agreement" which the grantee organization has with the Environmental Protection Agency. Thus, Federal, State or local government personnel (as appropriate) may direct enrollees working under these agreements, but they may not supervise them. SEE guidance provides for a relationship wherein the specified government employee (SEE Monitor) will give day-to-day direction essentially providing the enrollee with tasks; for example, run tests, type documents etc., (whereas "supervising" includes hiring, disciplining, discharging, etc.). This distinction should be stated in the cooperative agreements and enrollment documents so it is clear that a supervisor/employee relationship has not been created.

6a. The following chart clarifies the distinction between the terms "direction and supervision:"

Action Direction Supervision
giving day-to-day tasking and feedback? X
writing periodic formal performance evaluations?
recommending training? X
recommending travel? X
taking a formal disciplinary action with an enrollee?
requesting grantee involvement in a disciplinary action? X
taking action to separate an enrollee?
signing an enrollee's time sheet verifying the hours an enrollee worked? X
offering to hire/enrollee a person?
reviewing potential enrollees and recommending an applicant for enrollment? X
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