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Chapter 2, Section 4

Guides » SEE Guidelines and Procedures Manual

Chapter 2, Section 4

Health and Safety
  1. Medical Monitoring Program: Upon enrollment in the SEE Program, baseline medical exams are normally required for any SEE enrollee position for which an EPA employee in like circumstances would require such an exam. The grantee is responsible for obtaining the necessary exams. No medical records shall be maintained by the EPA. Enrollees are not permitted to engage in any field activities unless they have undergone a baseline medical examination which must show physical fitness and provide a base against which to measure any adverse effects the job activities may have on them. All required OSHA training for the position must be taken in addition to refresher courses. Field activities are defined as any job activities that are conducted outside of the EPA administered facilities. Field activities include site visits for investigation or inspection purposes. EPA safety protocol may require that all EPA laboratory facilities personnel have baseline medical examinations; therefore, medical monitoring may be provided for all enrollees, both technical and clerical, at such facilities. Funding for the Medical Monitoring Program is provided through the existing cooperative agreement. If a medical monitoring examination is required, the grantee will notify the enrollee and provide the forms necessary.
  2. If an accident or severe illness strikes an enrollee on the job, the enrollee should go to the nearest medical facility and should notify the monitor and the grantee representative as soon as possible (within 24 hours). This first notification should be oral and the monitor should assist the grantee representative in preparing a written report as appropriate.
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